P. Professional Development Programs
1. Centennial Fund Awards
The Centennial Fund, created in 1990 to mark the 100th anniversary of the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association, provides educational opportunities to teachers to enhance knowledge about teaching and learning. The Fund makes monies available to teachers to pursue avenues which would increase such knowledge. The Centennial Fund will be used as follows:
a) Study Awards
i) Purpose
The Study Awards are awarded to teachers on an annual basis to support the continuing professional development of certified teachers in the province. At least two awards, valued at $2,500 each, will be presented each year provided suitable applications are received and sufficient funds are available. [Sept/29- 30/00] [JC Oct/00] [Oct/23&25/14] [2015 BGM]
ii) Criteria
- To be eligible, an individual must be an active member of the NLTA as described by Section I.A.1 of NLTA policy. [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
- Applicants must be in full-time attendance at a recognized university. The award will be paid upon receipt of the student’s transcript indicating successful completion of courses. [Jan/17/03] [June/6/03] [JC Nov/03] [2005 BGM] [Nov/25/10] [JC Nov/10] [2011 BGM] [Sept/28/12] [JC Nov/12] [2013 BGM]
- Considerations for selection will include:
– involvement in the Association at school, branch, regional and/or provincial levels;
– two letters of recommendation outlining your service to the profession from any of the following: administrators, colleagues, branch presidents, special interest council presidents; [Nov/25/10] [JC Nov/10] [2011 BGM]
– interest in and/or participation in professional development activities
– indication of how the proposed study supports future teaching plans; and
– possible benefits which could accrue to the school/educational community. [Sept/29-30/00] [JC Oct/00] [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
- Applications which are in keeping with current trends in education, which respond to an identified area of personal growth by the teacher, and those that express provincial and school board needs, will be given priority. [Sept/29-30/00] [JC Oct/00] [Nov/25/10] [JC Nov/10] [2011 BGM]
- Successful applicants must return to teaching in this province as full members of the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association upon completion of their studies. Failure to do so will result in a requirement to repay the award amount. [Jan/8-9/99]
- Successful applicants should be willing, upon completion of study, to share their increased knowledge with other teachers as requested. [June/12-13/92] [Nov/25/10] [JC Nov/10] [2011 BGM]
iii) Recipients are chosen by the Professional Issues Committee. [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
iv) Applications must be submitted to the NLTA on or before March 31. The award is to be used for study in the spring, summer, fall and winter semesters following this deadline. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Application forms may be obtained from the NLTA office or on the NLTA website. [Mar/6-8/91] [Sept/29-30/00] [JC Oct/00] [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM] [Nov/25/10] [JC Nov/10] [2011 BGM]
b) Presenters at National and International Conferences [June/7/19]
i) Eligibility
To be eligible, an individual must be an active member of the NLTA as described by Section I.A.1 of NLTA policy. [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
ii) Conference/Presenter
• The conference must be categorized as “national and international”. [June/7/19]
• The conference be held out-of-Province. [June/7/19]
• The presenter must make a significant contribution to the professional agenda of the conference.
• Submissions will be accepted on an ongoing basis and, once received, will be considered by the Professional Issues Committee at its next regularly scheduled meeting, with disbursements dependent on the availability of funds at that time. Retroactive funding is not available. [Sept/29-30/00] [JC Oct/00] [2001 BGM] [Nov/24/11] [JC Nov/11] [2013 BGM]
iii) Process
The request for funding must include:
• A copy of the letter of acceptance from the conference organizers. [Sept/29- 30/00] [JC Oct/00]
• A copy of the conference agenda, with the applicant’s session highlighted. [Sept/29-30/00] [JC Oct/00]
• An itemized budget indicating relevant expenses such as transportation costs, accommodation costs, meal costs, etc.
• A statement of honorarium supplied, if any.
• A rationale as to the relevance of the presenter’s paper, project, thesis, etc., to the professional agenda/theme of the conference and to education in general.
iv) Conference Submission
A copy of the paper/project/report presented at the conference will be made available to the NLTA. [Sept/29-30/00] [JC Oct/00]
v) Funding
• The presenter(s) must demonstrate efforts to secure funding other than that provided through the NLTA Centennial Fund.
• A maximum amount of $5,000 per year will be provided from the Centennial Trust Fund for the explicit purpose of funding presenters to an international conference.
• The maximum amount to be approved for presenters at any one conference will be up to $1,250. [May/6/94] [1995 AGM]
c) Educational Research Program
i) Through the Centennial Fund, the Association will make available a maximum of $10,000 annually to support educational research projects initiated and/or approved by the NLTA. [Sept/29-30/00] [JC Oct/00]
ii) The Association will fund a maximum of three (3) research projects in any one academic year.
iii) Preference will be given to funding research that is classroom-based and conducted within an action research model. The focus of the research should be either
• teaching
• learning
• methods of instruction
• curriculum
• student assessment, or
• other classroom-related topics. [Sept/29-30/00] [JC Oct/00] [Oct/23/14]
Thesis writing or other work for which university credit is being earned will not qualify. [June/8/01] [JC Nov/01] [2003 BGM]
iv) Funding obtained for these research projects cannot be used for the purchase or leasing of hardware or to offset any costs related to the public presentation of the findings. [Sept/29-30/00] [JC Oct/00]
v) The Association will be presented with a copy of all research findings from any project funded through this program.
vi) Costs related to the publication of the findings will be limited to no more than ten percent of the total project budget and must be included in the original proposal. [Sept/29-30/00] [JC Oct/00]
vii) Research projects will be approved according to the following priorities:
• practising classroom teachers, school administrators, district program implementation specialists;
• students and/or faculty in the Faculty of Education at Memorial University of Newfoundland; and
• other recognized educational agencies. [Sept/29-30/00] [JC Oct/00]
viii) Proposals/applications will be accepted by NLTA Programs and Services on an ongoing basis and will be considered at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Professional Issues Committee, with disbursements dependent upon the availability of funds at that time. [Mar/1-2/96] [1996 AGM] [Sept/29-30/00] [JC Oct/00] [2001 BGM] [Oct/12-13/01] [JC Nov/01] [2003 BGM] [June/6/03] [JC Nov/03] [2005 BGM]
d) International Programs
i) Purpose
Through the Centennial Fund, the Association will make available a maximum of $12,000 annually to support international projects initiated and/or approved by the NLTA Executive.
ii) Funding
Funding will be provided to support two specific and separate components:
• To support teacher organizational development in a developing country.
• To support the work of an organization working with children in a developing country.
iii) Procedures
• Applications must be made in consultation with the staff at the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association.
• The selection of a teacher organization will be determined in cooperation with the Canadian Teachers’ Federation.
• The selection of a children’s organization will be done in consultation with the Canadian Teachers’ Federation or a recognized international children’s organization.
2. Professional Development Fund
a) Out-of-Province Grants for Individuals
i) Purpose
The Professional Development Fund will allow for the funding of individuals for professional development which is not funded through any of the existing NLTA professional development programs. Funds are not available from this source to help individuals attend in-province conferences, as these types of initiatives may be supported through existing special interest council and branch structures and should be supported by the board. However, travel between Labrador and the island of Newfoundland will be eligible for funding from this source. Funding under this policy may also be granted for individuals to participate online/virtually from within the province in professional development conferences or sessions that originate from or are based outside of the province, subject to all other eligibility criteria and guidelines set out herein. [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM] [Dec/2/21] [Apr/29/22] [Nov/30/23] [Dec/6/24]
ii) Eligibility
• All projects must focus on the professional development of educators.
• All applicants must give documented evidence that additional sources of funding have been investigated and provide details of funding received.
• To be eligible, an individual must be an active member of the NLTA as described by Section I.A.1 of NLTA policy.
• An individual must not have personally received any financial assistance from this Professional Development Fund within the previous five school years. [Oct/12-13/01] [JC Nov/01] [2003 BGM]
iii) Selection
Applications will be reviewed by NLTA staff. In considering candidates and applications, consideration shall be given to the following criteria:
• potential benefits of the project to professional growth and development
• past contribution of the applicant to the profession, including to the work of the NLTA; and
• funding received from other sources. [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
iv) Funding Guidelines
For individuals requesting funding to attend out-of-province activities, only travel and registration will be covered, to a maximum of $500, provided sufficient funds are available. For those requesting funding to participate online/virtually from within the province in professional development conferences or sessions that originate from or are based outside of the province, only registration will be covered, to a maximum of $500. The fund does not cover meals and accommodations. Funds will be awarded when proof of attendance and necessary receipts are received. [Sept/29-30/00] [JC Oct/00] [2001 BGM] [Oct/12-13/01] [JC Nov/01] Jan/17/03] [JC Feb/03] [2003 BGM] [May/30-31-June1/13] [JC Oct/13] [2015 BGM] [Dec/6/24]
v) Application Process
Applications must be completed and submitted online on the appropriate form which is available on the NLTA website. [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM] [Oct/23&25/14] [2015 BGM]
vi) Deadlines
Grants shall be awarded ten times a year, assuming there are suitable applications and funds available. The deadlines for receipt of applications are the third Thursday of September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May and June. [Oct/2-3/98] [Sept/29-30/00] [JC Oct/00] [2001 BGM] [Nov/27/08] [Feb/25-26/09] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
3. Teachers Talking to Teachers Program
The “Teachers Talking to Teachers” Program allows for the provision of professional development with teachers as the consultants or facilitators. It provides an opportunity for teachers to discuss with colleagues innovative practices and pilot projects in the field. The program recognizes that there are many exciting innovations taking place in the classrooms of Newfoundland and Labrador, and teachers would benefit from being able to talk to colleagues engaged in these innovations. The program is also based on the premise that the most effective professional development takes place when teachers work together in relatively small groups. It is designed to supplement and enrich the other forms of professional development provided by branches, councils and schools.
a) Guidelines for Teachers Talking to Teachers Applications
i) The following host groups are eligible to apply for funding:
• special interest councils and affiliates;
• schools; and
• NLTA branches.
ii) Programs shall be directed towards the processes of learning rather than subject content. Preference shall be given to such programs that highlight innovation and creativity on the part of individual teachers.
iii) Teachers acting as consultants and/or facilitators under the program should request leave from their respective boards.
iv) Teachers acting as consultants and/or facilitators under the program will be reimbursed by the host group for transportation costs and meals as per NLTA policy; and accommodation, if required, as per NLTA policy. [Feb/25-26/09] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
v) Upon completion of the program, host groups will be reimbursed as per regulation iv) above after receipted documentation of expenses is completed.
vi) Funding will be limited to one teacher consultant/facilitator per host group per year. [June/7/02] [JC Nov/02] [2003 BGM] [Feb/17/05]
4. Johnson Inc. Bursaries
To be eligible for a Johnson Inc. bursary, an individual must be an active member of the NLTA as described by Section I.A.1 of NLTA policy. The bursaries will be awarded as follows:
a) A sum of $2,000 will be made available to the NLTA to be awarded annually to teachers in full-time attendance at university. The value of the awards will depend on the number of awards granted annually by the Professional Issues Committee (e.g. two at $1,000, four at $500). [Apr/2-3&5/08] [JC Apr/08] [2009 BGM]
b) Where there are competing applicants, on an annual basis, any member may be granted only one award for those programs which are designated for teachers undertaking fulltime study.
c) The bursaries shall be open to both graduate and undergraduate students.
d) The bursary will be paid upon receipt of the student’s transcript indicating successful completion of courses. [Sept/28/12] [JC Nov/12] [2013 BGM]
e) Applications are due on April 1 and must be completed and submitted online on the appropriate form which is available on the NLTA website. [June/7/02] [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM] [Oct/23&25/14] [2015 BGM]
f) Bursaries awarded are to be used for study undertaken in the spring, summer, fall and winter semesters following this deadline. [Nov/25/10] [JC Nov/10] [2011 BGM]