Checklist for an Effective Meeting
Essentials For Effective Meetings
- Well publicized
- Members are greeted by branch executive person
- Convene on time
- Good opening (warm-up)
- Well planned agenda (prioritized)
- Clear roles (leader, recorder, participants)
- Appropriate environment (comfortable)
- Materials/Equipment
- No outside interruptions
- Define adjournment time
Pre-Meeting Checklist
- Precise Purpose – Objective
- Send announcement (time, purpose, location, etc.)
- Tentative agenda distributed with required backup materials
- Pre-determined adjournment time
- Identify audience
- Identify materials (visuals, equipment) needed and dry run
- Who can help? Ask in advance
- Estimate time for each agenda item
- Plan opening
- Use displays if appropriate
- Arrange for refreshments
Role of Chairperson
- Begin on time
- Start with enthusiasm
- Keep on target
- One agenda item at a time, have a knowledgeable branch executive person briefly outline each issue or do it yourself
- Cut off redundant debate
- Ensure a safe space for all members to engage (don’t allow one or two dominant personalities to control the conversation)
- Encourage discussion but avoid rambling
- Keep climate relaxed but be efficient
- Use Robert’s Rules of Order
- Tap resources of audience
- Serve as negotiator, arbitrator, listener, be neutral – shift role
- Keep calm but don’t be boring!
- Adjourn on time
Role of Meeting Participants
- Do advance preparation – read any discussion papers sent by branch executive.
- Be on time
- Raise questions for clarification
- Demonstrate responsible attitude/behaviour and good manners
- Accept share of work – offer to help
- Stick to the point
- Be sensitive to the feelings of others (particularly the chairperson)
- Listen actively – listening with warmth is contagious
Post-Meeting Checklist
- Minutes should be prepared as soon as possible and should contain:
– time, date, place of meeting
– number of persons present
– accurate record of proceedings and decisions made
– all motions recorded by motion/seconder and text of motion, and
– deadlines, follow-up responsibilities, list of handouts, etc.
- Action Sheet
- Evaluation
- Next meeting (date/time/location/tentative agenda)
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