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Branch Operations

Branch Operations Overview

Branch Visitation/Executive Contacts

The Role of Branch Committees

Model Branch By-Laws Overview

Substitute Teachers:

Nominations for President and Vice-President and Provincial Executive Council

Resolutions to the Biennial General Meeting (BGM)

Effective Branch Operations

Branch Resources

Search My Branch/Branch President

Suggestions for Strengthening Your Branch

Guide for Planning the Branch Year

Effective Conduct of Branch Meetings
Checklist for an Effective Meeting

Branch Elections

Rules of Order for Branch Meetings

History of NLTA Branches

NLTA Forms
The forms referred to throughout this manual can be completed and submitted online on the Forms section of the NLTA website.

Branch Forms:

(If unable to complete any of the above forms online, please contact Rita Tee,

Awards/Scholarships/PD Forms:


Other Links:

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