Branch Operations
Branch Visitation/Executive Contacts
Substitute Teachers:
- Branch Registration of Substitute Teachers
- Communication with Substitute Teachers
- Sample Branch Message to Substitute Teachers
Nominations for President and Vice-President and Provincial Executive Council
Resolutions to the Biennial General Meeting (BGM)
Branch Resources
Search My Branch/Branch President
Suggestions for Strengthening Your Branch
Guide for Planning the Branch Year
Effective Conduct of Branch Meetings
• Checklist for an Effective Meeting
Rules of Order for Branch Meetings
NLTA Forms
The forms referred to throughout this manual can be completed and submitted online on the Forms section of the NLTA website.
Branch Forms:
- Branch Audit of Operating Accounts Form
- Branch Registration Form (due November 1)
- Branch Request for Additional Funding Form
- Branch Viability Profile Form
- Official Registration for Substitute Teachers Form (due January 15)
- Preliminary Branch Registration Form
- Retirement Scrolls/Pins Order Form
(If unable to complete any of the above forms online, please contact Rita Tee,
Awards/Scholarships/PD Forms:
- Allan Bishop Award (Nomination deadline is January 31)
- Bancroft Award (Nomination deadline is January 31)
- Barnes Award (Nomination deadline is January 31)
- Special Recognition Award (Nomination deadline is January 31)
- Centennial Fund – Study Award
- PD Fund – Out-of-Province Grant Application
- Teachers Talking to Teachers Program
- NLTA Scholarship Application (Deadline is July 31)
- NLTA Policy Handbook
- Policy on NLTA Branches
- Policy on NLTA Joint Council
- Policy and Guidelines for Association Awards and Funds
Other Links: