Infosheet #01: Les Programmes et les Services de la NLTA

Capsule No. 1
Les Programmes et les Services de la NLTA
Les Programmes et les Services entreprennent le travail de la NLTA dans les principaux domaines suivants: la négociation collective; l’administration des conventions collectives (y compris les griefs et les arbitrages); l’assurance collective; le régime de retraite des enseignantes et des enseignants; le développement professionnel; le programme d’aide […]

Infosheet #26: Cyberconduct and Electronic Communications – Important Information and Guidelines for Teachers

Infosheet No. 26
Cyberconduct and Electronic Communications:
Important Information and Guidelines for Teachers

Information and communication technology (ICT) is a regular part of everyday life for most people. Texting, e-mail, chats, blogs, YouTube, dating websites, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc., to name just a few examples, have changed the way we communicate and socialize, both personally and professionally. While […]

Infosheet #25: NLTA Disciplinary Procedure

Infosheet No. 25
NLTA Disciplinary Procedure

The NLTA Disciplinary Committee is established under the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association Act (1974), an act passed by the Legislature of Newfoundland and Labrador, giving the NLTA certain powers of association. These powers include the suspension and expulsion of members from the Association.

The NLTA Act outlines the method to be […]

Infosheet #24: Professional Relations Disputes

Infosheet No. 24
Professional Relations Disputes

In any group setting where individuals interact under sometimes stressful conditions, misunderstandings, confrontation and conflict will occasionally occur. Teachers are not exempt from these professional relations disputes.

It is absolutely critical that teachers follow the NLTA Code of Ethics in their relationships with colleagues. Of particular significance in this regard is the […]

Infosheet #22: Administration of Medication and Health Support Procedures

Infosheet No. 22
Administration of Medication and Health Support Services

The following is a link to the NLTA’s policy regarding the provision of medication and health support procedures to students by teachers. Teachers are advised that their own school board policies and procedures, and/or provincial legislation and regulations may differ from the NLTA’s policy. Specific questions in […]

Infosheet #14: Substitute Teachers and Group Insurance

Infosheet No. 14
Substitute Teachers and Group Insurance

Substitute Teachers’ Insurance Plan
The following insurance options are available to substitute teachers through application to the Plan Administrator, Johnson Inc.:

A1 – Basic Life – $15,000
A3 – Basic Accidental Death and Dismemberment – $15,000
B – Health – As per permanent teachers
B2 – Dental – As per […]

Infosheet #10: Returning to University – Membership and Benefits

Infosheet No. 10
Returning to University – Membership and Benefits

Every year, many teachers in this province take either unpaid or paid educational leave to return to university for a semester or for a full school year. The purpose of this Infosheet is to inform teachers returning to university of the procedures they have to follow in […]

Infosheet #04: In the Event of the Death of a Member of the NLTA

Infosheet No. 4
In the Event of the Death of a Member of the NLTA

No one likes to contemplate the death of a relative or friend. However, when this unfortunate event occurs, it is important for those closest to the deceased to know what is involved in settling the estate. This Infosheet outlines the NLTA policy […]

Infosheet #23: Seniority and the Collective Agreement

Infosheet No. 23
Seniority and the Collective Agreement
Definition of Seniority
Clause 9.01 of the Provincial Collective Agreement defines “seniority” as:
(a) “Seniority” herein shall be determined on the basis of the total length of time employed as a teacher in Newfoundland and Labrador both before and after the signing date of this agreement. (Effective September 1, 1994)
(c) Employment […]

Infosheet #21: Injury on Duty and Workers’ Compensation

Infosheet No. 21
Injury on Duty and Workers’ Compensation
Article 16 of the Provincial Collective Agreement and Article 34 of the Labrador West Collective Agreement provide for special leave in the event that a member is injured in the performance of their duties. The parties to the Collective Agreements have agreed that the procedure for the processing […]

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