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from the NLTA Policy Handbook

NLTA Scent-Sensitive Workplace Policy
Due to the health concerns arising from exposure to scented products, the NLTA building is a scent-sensitive workplace. All employees are committed to reducing and eliminating scented personal care products from the workplace that have potential to cause illnesses and/or allergic reactions. Also, whenever possible, only scent-free cleaning products will be permitted to be used within the building at all times.

a) All employees and visitors who enter the NLTA building must ensure that they are free of scented personal care products, such as:

  1. perfumes and fragrances;
  2. aftershaves and colognes;
  3. shampoos and conditioners;
  4. hairsprays and hair products;
  5. soaps and deodorants;
  6. lotions and creams; and
  7. cosmetics.

b) As an employer, the NLTA is committed to reducing and eliminating scented cleaning products, tobacco smoke, building materials that release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and air fresheners and deodorizers from the workplace. The procedure to be used in order to comply with this commitment is as follows:

  1. Scent-sensitive signs will be displayed throughout the NLTA building in clear view for all employees and visitors to read.
  2. All employees and NLTA members shall be informed that the NLTA building is a scent-sensitive workplace. Visitors will be informed that the NLTA building is a scent-sensitive workplace through signs posted at all entrances to the building.
  3. All cleaning products and building material used throughout the building must be scent-free, whenever possible. If scent-free products are not available, all employees will be notified that such products must be used prior to any cleaning, painting or renovations occurring.

Any violations of this policy will be reported immediately to the Executive Director (or designate) and members of the NLTA Occupational Health and Safety Committee.[Mar/30/06] [JC Nov/06] [2007 BGM]