M. Multiage Classrooms
Multiage classes are created when children of different ages and grade levels are intentionally combined in a single classroom to realize academic and social benefits. [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
- Multiage classrooms will be established on a sound philosophical and pedagogical basis, and not just because of economic necessity or convenience. [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
- In determining the enrolment of multiage classrooms, the number of special needs students to be integrated will be considered. [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
- Teachers of multiage classrooms will have extra preparation time. [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
- Teachers assigned to multiage classrooms should preferably be those who are most willing to teach in a multiage environment.
- Inservice and information concerning appropriate groupings, classroom organization, instructional strategies and curriculum modification will be provided to principals and teachers. [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
- The Department of Education, with the assistance of experienced teachers and administrators, will develop courses of study specially designed for the various combinations of multiage classrooms. [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
- Teachers of multiage classrooms require adequate resource material and will have ready access to resource personnel. [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
- The Curriculum Division of the Department of Education (with the aid of experienced educators) will be approached to develop different curricula and materials for multiage classroom use, and to develop curriculum guides with suggested teaching strategies and relevant resource and instruction materials and that such planning and development of resource materials be given high priority by the Department of Education. [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
- The Department of Education, in conjunction with the NLTA and Memorial University, will develop and implement a comprehensive and systematic plan of inservice for teachers in the multiage classrooms. [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
- The Faculty of Education of Memorial University will meet the increasing demand for the education of multiage teachers with special skills by revamping their teacher preparation program. [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
- The Department of Education, the NLTA, the Newfoundland and Labrador School Boards Association and Memorial University will support research dealing specifically with teaching and learning in the multiage classroom, and with the cognitive development of students in the multiage classrooms. [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
- Multiage classrooms should be defined as classrooms that contain two or more grade levels. [June/12-13/92] [1993 AGM] [Jan/8-9/99] [1999 BGM] [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
- The Department of Education, in collaboration with experienced educators with a background in multiage education, will develop an inservice that will assist parents in their understanding of this educational approach. [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]