E. Learning Resource Programs
Educational programs in an ever-changing society must meet the individual needs of students and prepare them to become effective, self-directed, and discriminating citizens. To be effective citizens in an information rich society, students need to learn skills which will allow them to locate and select appropriate information, to critically analyze that information and to use it wisely. This is the primary aim of the learning resource program in the context of today’s curriculum. To fulfill this aim:
- All students should have access to a library resource program which is an integral part of the school’s instructional program. [Feb/18-19/15] [2015 BGM]
- All schools should have a learning resource centre which will support and enhance program activities and contribute to the efficiency of operation. While there are certain basic components of a learning resource facility, the actual size and sophistication will depend on the nature of the particular school in which it is located, but should comply with accepted standards as defined by the Canadian Library Association. [Feb/18-19/15] [2015 BGM]
- The learning resource program is most effective when it is planned and implemented in a cooperative manner by the teacher librarian and the classroom teacher to integrate those skills necessary to locate, assess, organize and present information in the context of the curriculum.
- Learning resources should be selected in accordance with standardized criteria to support and enrich the curriculum as well as to meet the needs and interests of the students. Materials in a variety of formats (e.g. children’s literature, magazines, periodicals, novels, research resources, print and non-print, i.e. online and/or digital resources, etc.) should be provided to accommodate the different abilities and learning styles of the students. Selection of learning resources should be coordinated/led by the teacher librarian. [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM] [Feb/18-19/15] [2015 BGM]
- Learning resources should be centralized and electronically (e.g. Insignia) catalogued and shelved according to the Dewey Decimal System to provide optimum accessibility to all students and teachers. [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM] [Feb/18-19/15] [2015 BGM]
- School districts will provide the current technology (i.e. computer hardware, software, etc.) to facilitate the cataloguing and circulation of learning resources. A union catalogue such as this can be particularly effective in schools with part-time teacher librarians to alleviate some of the clerical duties and allow time for the teaching aspects of the learning resource program. [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM] [Feb/18-19/15] [2015 BGM]
- Where possible, all learning resource centres should be administered by a full-time qualified teacher librarian who has appropriate training and expertise in education as well as specialized training in the area of learning resources. In schools where this is not possible, the district should assume responsibility for ensuring that an adequate program is provided.
- Where possible, clerical assistance should be provided to teacher librarians to free them from routine clerical duties and provide time to work with students and teachers. [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]
- All funds allocated for learning resources should be used for that purpose. School districts and schools should allocate funds for learning resources. An additional start-up grant should be allocated for any school establishing a learning resource centre. Department of Education materials provided to schools (i.e. Cultural Connections) should include MARC records and be age appropriate as well. [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM] [Feb/18-19/15] [2015 BGM]
- District/regional resource centres, under the administration of a qualified learning resources program specialist, should be established to supplement school collections and provide production facilities, consultative services, and professional development activities. [May/5- 6/89] [1990 AGM] [Nov/27/08] [JC Feb/09] [2009 BGM]