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(a) There shall be consultation at the local level between teachers and their principals in determining the allocation to teachers of curricular and non-curricular duties. The workload of teachers will be distributed in a fair and equitable manner, and the process will involve, but not be limited to, consideration of numbers of students, number of course preparations, number of teacher preparation periods, nature of courses taught, characteristics of students taught, administrative duties required, and multi-grade/course teaching situations.

(b) Every effort shall be made to determine a teacher’s curricular duties for the coming school year prior to the last day of the current school year. 

(c) Notwithstanding Clause 17.01(b), every effort shall be made to ensure that the consultation for the coming school year referred to in Clause 17.01(a) between teachers and their principals shall occur not later than the first scheduled instructional day.


(a) There shall be consultation at the local level between teaching and learning assistants and their principals in determining the allocation of curricular and non-curricular duties. The workload of teaching and learning assistants will be distributed in a fair and equitable manner, and the process will involve, but not be limited to, consideration of numbers of students, number of preparation periods, nature of courses assigned, characteristics of students receiving support, administrative duties required, and multi-grade/course instructional situations.

(b) Every effort shall be made to determine a teaching and learning assistant’s duties for the coming school year prior to the last day of the current school year.

(c) Notwithstanding Clause 17.02(b), every effort shall be made to ensure that the consultation for the coming school year referred to in Clause 17.02(a) between teaching and learning assistants and their principals shall occur not later than the first scheduled instructional day.

17.03 It is agreed that extra-curricular activities are a desirable part of a well-rounded education. It is also agreed that the principal and staff of each school will determine the extra-curricular activities to be provided in their school. Notwithstanding this, a teacher’s participation in any extra-curricular activity requires that teacher’s consent.


(a) Every effort shall be made to assure that substitute or replacement teachers are provided to replace teachers who are absent for valid reasons.

(b) A substitute teacher may be provided in instances where a teacher is assigned by a School Board to accompany groups of students during regular school hours on curricular related activities approved by the Board. 


(a) Teachers will have an uninterrupted period of at least forty (40) minutes for lunch unless the majority of teachers in a school agree to a lunch period of a shorter duration. Such lunch break is to occur sometime between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. of the school day unless otherwise mutually agreed.

(b) Teachers who teach in more than one building will have an uninterrupted period of at least forty (40) minutes for lunch exclusive of travel time.

(c) For (a) above, the opening and closing time for school may have to be adjusted by the School Board and nothing in this Clause is to be construed to mean that current lunch periods in excess of forty (40) minutes should be reduced.

17.06 No teacher shall be required to be present for school duties on Saturday or Sunday.

17.07 The School Boards shall, prior to the expiration of this Agreement, undertake a review of and/or develop and implement policies regarding school violence and dealing with students and parents who have exhibited violent and abusive behaviour. In reviewing and/or developing these policies, the School Boards will seek input from the Association, school administrators and other personnel who are deemed to have a legitimate role in prevention, intervention and assessment activities.

17.08 A teacher’s participation on a school-based or board-based committee requires that teacher’s consent.

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