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from the Employee Assistance Program

Below are the Living Well articles from the 1996-97 to present. They can also be found in The Bulletin which is the official newsletter of the NLTA during the school year. Unless otherwise indicated, materials used in The Bulletin may be reproduced or broadcast without permission.

Summers Almost Here… Now What? by Lori Hewitt May/June 2024
Burning the Candle at Both Ends by Kenda Riggs March/April 2024
What’s the Deal on Deep Listening? by Lori Hewitt January/February 2024
The Gift of Soft Eyes During the Holiday Season by Kenda Riggs November/December 2023
The Sound of Silence by Lori Hewitt September/October 2023
The Walking Meditation by Kenda Riggs May/June 2023
Water: The Importance of Staying Hydrated by Kenda Riggs Mar./Apr. 2023
Sleep Health: An Essential Component of Self -Care by Kenda Riggs Jan./Feb. 2023
Is My Anxiety Normal? by Kathy Taylor-Rogers Nov./Dec. 2022
The Natured Mind by Kenda Riggs Sept./Oct. 2022
Learning to Manage Stress More Effectively by Kathy Taylor-Rogers May/June 2022
Planting the Seeds of Self-Reg by Kenda Riggs Mar./Apr. 2022
Remember, Not Everyone is OK by Kathy Taylor-Rogers Jan./Feb. 2022
Seasonal Affective Disorder: A Light Changing Experience by Gail Carroll Nov./Dec. 2021
The Healthy Benefits of Play by Kenda Riggs Sept./Oct. 2021
Look Forward to a Sumer Staycation by Gail Carroll May/June 2021
Where There’s Hope: Moving Forward by Kenda Riggs Mar./Apr. 2021
Resilience and You by Gail Carroll Jan./Feb. 2021
The Cost of Caring by Kenda Riggs Nov./Dec. 2020
Welcome Back from the EAP for Teachers by Gail Carroll & Kenda Riggs Sept./Oct. 2020
The Power of Connection by Kenda Riggs May/June 2020
Learning to Say NO: Tips For Work-Life Balance by Gail Carroll Mar./Apr. 2020
Cultivating Gratitude: Time to Say Good-bye by Judy Beranger Jan./Feb. 2020
Seasonal Affective Disorder: A Light Changing Experience by Gail Carroll Nov./Dec. 2019
Welcome Back by Gail Carroll Sept./Oct. 2019
 SCHOOL YEAR 2018-19
Summer: It’s YOUR Time by Sophia Slaney May/June 2019
From Grief to Gratitude by Judy Beranger Mar./Apr. 2019
Personality: What Makes Me “Me” – What Makes You “You”? by Judy Beranger Jan./Feb. 2019
 You’ve Got Mail by Judy Beranger Sept./Oct. 2018
 SCHOOL YEAR 2017-18
Did You Plan Your Summer Vacation? by Gail Carroll May/June 2018
Mind Your Memory by Judy Beranger March/April 2018
Teacher Burnout: What You Can Do by Gail Carroll Jan./Feb. 20178
Procrastination: I’ll Get On That Right Away – NOT! by Judy Beranger Nov./Dec. 2017
Creating Personal Wellness Goals by Gail Carroll Sept./Oct. 2017
Understanding and Overcoming Fear by Judy Beranger May/June 2017
The Autism Spectrum and Noteworthy Supports by Gail Carroll March/April 2017
Resilience: The Bounce That Counts by Judy Beranger January/February 2017
Changing Perspectives by Gail Carroll
November/December 2016
Meditation – Training The Mind by Judy Beranger September/October 2016
Read Your Way to Wellness and Vacation with Books by Gail Carroll May/June 2016
Creating A Meaningful Life  by Gail Carroll March/April 2016
The Art of Cultivating Patience  by Gail Carroll January/February 2016
Compassion: a Motivator for Teacher Action by Judy Beranger November/December 2015
What Color Are You? by Gail Carroll September/October 2015
SCHOOL YEAR 2014-15 
Responding to High Conflict Personalities – Revisited by Judy Beranger May/June 2015
Having The Courage To Thrive by Gail Carroll March/April 2015
The Magic of Elder Mediation by Judy Beranger January/February 2015
Learning to Say NO: Tips For Work-Life Balance by Gail Carroll November/December 2014
Responding to High Conflict Personalities by Judy Beranger September/October 2014
Springing into Spring by Gail Carroll May/June 2014
Spring into Wellness by Gail Carroll March/April 2014
2014 – This Isn’t A Dress Rehearsal! by Judy Beranger January/February 2014
Seasonal Affective Disorder: A Light Changing Experience by Gail Carroll November/December 2013
Stand By Me by Judy Beranger September/October 2013
Hardening of the Attitudes by Judy Beranger May 2013
Taming The Anxiety Monster by Judy Beranger April 2013
Understanding the HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) in the Workplace by Gail M. Carroll Jan/Feb 2013
Celebrating Christmas in All its Glory (and challenges) by Gail M. Carroll December 2012 
When ” Just get over it” or Suck it up” Doesn’t Work… Mental Health Matters! by Judy Beranger November 2012
National Family Week: Living Its Message All Year! by Judy Beranger Sept/Oct 2012
When Facing Conflict What Is Your Approach? by Claudette Coombs  May/June 2012
Stress Without Distress – Revisited by Judy Beranger  April 2012
Stress Without Distress in 2012 by Judy Beranger  Jan/Feb 2012
Teach Others How to Treat You by Claudette Coombs  Nov/Dec 2011
The Mediation Process – A Rising Tide by Judy Beranger  Sept/Oct 2011
Stay Positive at Work, at Home and at Play! by Claudette Coombs June 2011
Keeping Stepfamilies Happy and Healthy by Judy Beranger May 2011
Substance Misuse and My Workplace – What Can I Do About It? by Claudette Coombs April 2011
Happy Families~Happy Teachers~Happy New Year! by Judy Beranger Jan/Feb 2011
Enjoying Christmas Despite the Stresses by Ross Flood December 2010
Creating Our Own Igors by Judy Beranger November 2010
How Can We Cope With Chronic Pain? by Ross Flood Sept/Oct 2010
SCHOOL YEAR 2009-10 
The Link To Health and Well-being of Teachers by Ross Flood June 2010
Career Home Balance – Finding Time For Self by Ross Flood May 2010
Unraveling Rumor and Gossip by Judy Beranger April 2010
Return-To-Work from Long-Term Injury or Illness by Ross Flood March 2010
Get Back To Where You Belong by Judy Beranger Jan/Feb 2010
How To Develop Your Teacher Wellness Strategy by Claudette Coombs December 2009
Promoting Teacher Wellness by Judy Beranger November 2009
Managing Martha by Claudette Coombs Sept/Oct 2009
Label Jars – Not People! by Judy Beranger June 2009
EAP – What Does That Have To Do With Me? by Claudette Coombs May 2009
Feeding Your Inner Wolf by Judy Beranger April 2009
Can We Afford Inaction? by Claudette Coombs Jan/Feb 2009
Rewriting Your Wellness Story by Marie Wall November 2008
The Best Day of Life by Claudette Coombs Sept/Oct 2008
Recovery for the Academic Athlete by Marie Wall June 2008
Can You Hear Me? by Marie Wall May 2008
Building Our Capacity for Better Health by Claudette Coombs April 2008
Disappointment is an ACTION Word! by Claudette Coombs March 2008
Managing Your Energy by Marie Wall Jan/Feb 2008
This Christmas, Create A Healthy Home! by Claudette Coombs December 2007
Are You Getting Enough Sleep? by Marie Wall November 2007
Create a Healthy Workplace by Claudette Coombs Sept/Oct 2007
Go Healthy With A Positive Attitude by Marie Wall June 2007
Go Healthy – By Taking Care of Yourself by Kathy Taylor-Rogers May 2007
Go Healthy – And Breathe Deep by Kathy Taylor-Rogers April 2007
Healthy Eating by Marie Wall Jan/Feb 2007
Go Resilient by Marie Wall December 2006
Be Active, If Only For The Health Of It! by Kathy Taylor-Rogers November 2006
Teachers Go Healthy by Marie Wall Sept/Oct 2006
Chart Your Course by Claudette Coombs June 2006
Wellness is a Grand Journey by Marie Wall May 2006
It’s the “Principal” of the Thing…. by Claudette Coombs April 2006
Sometimes the Answer is No by Marie Wall March 2006
Live Abundantly… While Managing Loss by Claudette Coombs Jan/Feb 2006
Christmas Spirit by Marie Wall December 2005
If You Want To Create Change, Complaining Doesn’t Count by Claudette Coombs November 2005
Dress for Success in the Classroom by Marie Wall Sept/Oct 2005
Intimidation … Why It Works and How to Overcome It! by Claudette Coombs June 2005
Overcoming Obstacles… to a Healthy Workplace by Claudette Coombs April 2005
The Quest To Manage Stress by Marie Wall January 2005
Wellness is… A Healthy Workplace! by Claudette Coombs December 2004
Mental Fitness in the Game of Life by Marie Wall November 2004
Summer is Over… but the Enjoyment Isn’t by Claudette Coombs Sept/Oct 2004
Surviving Suicide: A Healing Journey by Marie Wall May 2004
Wellness Workshops Offered by Your Employee Assistance Program by Kathy Taylor-Rogers April 2004
Spirit in Life and Teaching by Marie Wall March 2004
Caring for Aging Parents by Kathy Taylor-Rogers Jan/Feb 2004
Guilt: Friend or Foe? by Marie Wall December 2003
How Positive is Your Self-Image? by Kathy Taylor-Rogers November 2003
Your Employee Assistance Program by Marie Wall Sept/Oct 2003
Making Healthier Choices by Claudette Coombs April 2003
Celebrate Life! by Marie Wall Jan/Feb 2003
When the Past Intrudes by Claudette Coombs December 2002
Facing the Classroom Head On! by Claudette Coombs Sept/Oct 2002
Pleasure Past Retirement by Claudette Coombs May/June 2002
Financial Well-Being; More Than Making Money by Marie Wall April 2002
Exercise — Why Bother? by Claudette Coombs March 2002
Choosing A Growth Theme by Marie Wall January 2002
The Rain Will Fall on the Good and the Bad… Then What? by Claudette Coombs December 2001
Success Begets Success by Marie Wall November 2001
Bloom Where You’re Planted Then Send Out Runners by Claudette Coombs Sept/Oct 2001
Making The Most of Summer Holidays by Kathy Taylor-Rogers May 2001
Stages of Growth for Men and Women by Marie Wall April 2001
Helping to Alleviate Stress by Kathy Taylor-Rogers Jan/Feb 2001
Emotions Are a Life Puzzle by Marie Wall December 2000
A Question of Management, Reflection & Attitude by Kathy Burford November 2000
Caring For Yourself by Marie Wall Sept/Oct 2000
Grief, Loss and Healing by Kathy Burford June 2000
Renewing Relationships by Claudette Coombs May 2000
Communicating Carefully by Claudette Coombs March 2000
Improving Your Attitude by Kathy Burford Jan/Feb 2000
Adjusting Expectations by Claudette Coombs December 1999
The Key to Remaining Well by Kathy Burford Oct/Nov 1999
Improving Relationships by Claudette Coombs September 1999
Teachers Taking Action  by Kathy Burford May/June 1999
Grief Part I, Part II by Claudette Coombs April 1999
Helping Out  by Claudette Coombs March 1999 
The 1999 Model  by Claudette Coombs February 1999
Change For The Better   by Kathy Burford December 1998
How To Bounce Back  by Claudette Coombs November 1998
Lower Your Stress  by Kathy Burford Sept/Oct 1998
Finally Time For Me!   by Claudette Coombs May/June 1998
Finding the Positive in Me by Claudette Coombs March 1998
Finding Our Solutions  by Kathy Burford February 1998
An Oxymoron  by Claudette Coombs December 1997
Financial Wellness  by Al Antle November 1997 
My Role in Reform by Claudette Coombs October 1997 
Understanding The Disorder  by Kathy Burford June 1997
Steps For Personal Care  by Claudette Coombs May 1997
A Program Overview by Kathy Burford April 1997
Health Status Report Card by Claudette Coombs February 1997
Coping With Loss  by Kathy Burford December 1996
Quality of Personal Life  by Claudette Coombs November 1996
The Human Side of Change Part I, Part II  by Kathy Burford October 1996